• 6 rolls of 3M medical tapes (different varieties and sizes).

    Find 3M products designed to help reduce the risk of MARSI

    With the impressive history in developing adhesive solutions, we at 3M have an understanding of how adhesives then interact with skin. We take that knowledge to develop products that focus on patient needs in today's health care settings — and reduce the risk of MARSI.

A doctor holding a newborn baby in an isolette.

Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injury (MARSI)

Understanding and guarding against MARSI.

Patient care begins with skin.

Helping you keep patients comfortable while protecting skin from preventable medical adhesive-related skin injuries (MARSI) is of utmost importance. As your ally in care, 3M provides a wide range of medical tapes and skin-friendly products to maintain and protect the integrity and health of this vital organ.

Who is at risk of medical adhesive-related skin injuries?

  • An icon of a teddy bear.

    8% of hospitalized infants and children were found to have tape-related skin stripping.¹

  • An icon of a hospital

    15.5% of long-term care patients with skin injury were found to have been injured by their own medical tapes.¹

The cycle of reducing MARSI

  • An icon of a bandage.
    Proper application and removal of adhesive products is key to minimizing skin damage and reducing the risk of MARSI.¹
  • An icon of a stethoscope.
    Looking for signs of damage at regular intervals; noting colour, texture, uniformity, and integrity; is important to detecting MARSI.
  • An icon of a roll of gauze.

    Considering intended use, wear time, location, and ambient conditions present at the site are essential to choosing the right adhesive product to treat MARSI.

Find the right medical tape for your unique challenge.

Try the medical tape selector

MARSI Resources

A doctor wearing a stethoscope, speaking with a patient.

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  1. McNichol L, Lund C, Rosen T, Gray M. Medical adhesives and patient safety: state of the science. Consensus statements for the assessment, prevention and treatment of adhesive-related skin injuries. J WOCN. 2013;40(4):365-380.