3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural Adhesive EC-1458 resists oil, gasoline and aromatic solvents and fuels. The elastomer-based adhesive provides unusually strong adhesion to metal, glass, wood, synthetic rubber and many other porous and nonporous surfaces. The one-part formula is ideal for certain operations where a heavy-bodied oil-resistant adhesive or fuel-resistant sealer is required.
With its heavy-syrup like consistency, 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural Adhesive EC-1458 spreads easily and smoothly for even coating. When applied by brush, one gallon of the amber-coloured adhesive will cover approximately 200 square feet. It is ideal for applications where a heavy-bodied, oil-resistant adhesive or fuel-resistant adhesive/sealer is required. This versatile product cures at room temperature or for greater strength and oil resistance it can be heat cured at 300°F (149°C) for 20 minutes. It can also be reactivated with MEK solvent or by applying heat from 250°F to 300°F (121°C to 149°C) to the adhesive surface.